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A Guide for Content Creators to Build Their Next Profitable Website

Dave Menz is a multi-millionaire entrepreneur with a bit of an unusual business structure: he runs and operates several laundromats in his city complete with services, products, and profitable websites.

As a content creator, you’ve undoubtedly built up expertise in your chosen field to help build your profitable website. Maybe it’s been the sole field you’ve been working in, and you don’t really have much expertise in different fields.

But just like entrepreneurs like Dave Menz, you too can build a very successful business in a different field, despite a lack of expertise. Here, we’ll talk about how publishers like you can begin to build multiple websites in several different fields that will earn you significant income over time, turning you from a content creator to a full-fledged website owner that runs a large website business.

But what if you don’t know much about the topic? What if you’re not an expert? Don’t worry — you don’t have to be an expert to build a profitable website. The next step is to hire a team of experts to help you create and deliver the content in ways that the topic’s audience will appreciate.

As Shinji Obara, writer of some of the most popular animated TV series of all time once put it, “You can’t build a castle if all you have is carpenters.” You probably don’t have all the necessary expertise to build a new website in a completely different niche than what you’re used to — but others can help.

There’s no shortage of experts in every field, ready to work for you. Countless experts in these fields willingly offer their services as guest writers, ghost writers, and content creators for hire. You can use these experts to help you create content (even if you know next to nothing about the field). Once you assemble a team for your new website, you can rely on them to create the content while you run the operation as a true CEO and owner of your company.

This will take a financial commitment, especially if you want to truly commit to hiring a team of experts to help you build a credible, valuable website. In the words of Robert Kyosaki, best-selling author (net worth $100 million): “The rich get richer by continually reinvesting asset profits back into assets.” The profits from one successful website can be used to fund another successful website, on and on until you decide to stop reinvesting those profits and collect them. How much more revenue would you see if you had an extra three, five, or even ten profitable websites?

You don’t need to be an expert at creating content for new fields; you just need to learn how to build a team to do it for you.

Creating a profitable website isn’t easy; if it was, every content creator would have a 7-figure business! But it’s not impossible, and it becomes far more manageable when you have a team of experts to help you do it.

Content creators are a bit like train conductors — they run and operate a massive, highly-specialized tool that takes years of experience and expertise to successfully manage. It’s a unique, difficult job that takes a lot of hard work, focus, and skill.

CEOs and owners are different: it’s a starkly more challenging task to run and operate a train station than a train itself. It takes more management skills, delegation, and decision-making. This is the difference between running a website and owning one; both are lucrative, but you can earn significant income if you own multiple high-performing sites.

As a content creator, you need to develop skills in both areas. Both will earn you income over time, but only through learning superior management skills can you begin to build up several lucrative websites and evolve from a content creator to a true business owner.

Find topics that are timely, evergreen, and get consistent traffic. Reinvest your profits to hire a team of experts to help you develop new profitable sites, and learn to manage and train them over time. Continue to reinvest your profits as you build newer, profitable sites, and the income is much more likely to flow in.

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